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“Your success is our growth”

We have the will and resources to achieve our mission of imparting knowledge as well as life values in our students. Our ultimate vision is to increase our reach manifold and touch as many students as we can to help them achieve their dream and become a better version of themselves.

Our Mission: 

To create an environment in which ambition and academic growth of a student flourishes, and from which the leaders and innovators of tomorrow emerge.
To Address problems faced by the students on the technical and psychological front and help them overcome it.
To Provide an education that transforms students through rigorous coursework and world class teaching.

Core Values:

The core values adopted by the Institute as enduring principles are Integrity, Excellence, Transparency, and Empathy.
Integrity: Research and teaching shall be carried out in an environment of academic freedom and honesty. The Institute will adhere to the highest standards of ethics in all its activities.
Excellence: The Institute is committed to excellence in all spheres of its activities, and through internal and external reviews, will work towards continuous improvement. The Institute will recognize exceptional efforts through awards and honors.
Transparency: The Institute will function according to defined procedures and rules, which will be informed to all stakeholders. The Institute will make public all important information related to its functioning.
Empathy: An awareness of the conditions of the weaker sections of our society and contributions towards solution of their problems will form an integral part of the research and education programs of the Institute
scholars academy